BidPilot Deep - Screening of an EU Public Procurement document


You have an EU Public Tender within Soft or Hard Facility Management to review but not time enough to do it, and not even enough time to review a lengthy report! You just want 3-5 subjects of the Procurement document reviewed* with a basic risk analysis with traffic lights.

Choose up to 5 of the following subjects during check-out:

  • Visning av objekt

  • Sekretess

  • Frågor under anbudstiden

  • Anbudets form och innehåll

  • Anbudstidens utgång - behörig att underteckna

  • Komplettering till anbud

  • Anbudsprövning - Onormalt lågt pris

  • Leverantörskvalificering - Åberopa annans kapacitet

  • Leverantörskvalificering - Referenser

  • Ekonomisk och finansiell ställning (ekonomisk kapacitet)

  • Utvärderingsmetod (tillräcklig anknytning)

  • Utvärderingsmetod (vaga kriterier)

  • Organisation

  • Registerutdrag

  • Tillkommande och avgående objekt/arbetsuppgifter

  • Ersättning för kostnadsändring (indexering)

  • Vite

  • Reglering av kontraktssumman då omständigheter ändras eller tillkommer

  • Tider

  • Hävning och förtida upphörande

  • Ansvarsbegränsning

  • Personuppgifter

  • Avbeställning

This Product is tailored to the Facility Management industry.

The Seller uses general knowledge of a seasoned in-house counsel, a Playbook written by Legal expert Carl Bokwall, as well as various LegalTech tools with AI components.

You choose your 5 subjects and upload your document(s), i.e. which document(s) you want the Seller to base the Deep Legal Insight Report on.

Delivery Target

Within 48 hours of order.


You can also opt for a free 15-minutes guidance of the Legal Insight Report.

LegalTech used

For this Product the Seller use various GenAI tech.


Law Off The Shelf AB

*Please choose your subjects in the form at checkout. Remember, you can only upload one file for review. So if you have a subject relating to the Contract Form as well as the Procurement Regulations, you need to combine them first.

This is because it takes up so much time for us to fiddle around with the documents of diffrent types and put them together etc… Thank you for your understanding! In the future we hope to have an integration in place to have this seemlessly done by a computer :)

Go Goose!

You have an EU Public Tender within Soft or Hard Facility Management to review but not time enough to do it, and not even enough time to review a lengthy report! You just want 3-5 subjects of the Procurement document reviewed* with a basic risk analysis with traffic lights.

Choose up to 5 of the following subjects during check-out:

  • Visning av objekt

  • Sekretess

  • Frågor under anbudstiden

  • Anbudets form och innehåll

  • Anbudstidens utgång - behörig att underteckna

  • Komplettering till anbud

  • Anbudsprövning - Onormalt lågt pris

  • Leverantörskvalificering - Åberopa annans kapacitet

  • Leverantörskvalificering - Referenser

  • Ekonomisk och finansiell ställning (ekonomisk kapacitet)

  • Utvärderingsmetod (tillräcklig anknytning)

  • Utvärderingsmetod (vaga kriterier)

  • Organisation

  • Registerutdrag

  • Tillkommande och avgående objekt/arbetsuppgifter

  • Ersättning för kostnadsändring (indexering)

  • Vite

  • Reglering av kontraktssumman då omständigheter ändras eller tillkommer

  • Tider

  • Hävning och förtida upphörande

  • Ansvarsbegränsning

  • Personuppgifter

  • Avbeställning

This Product is tailored to the Facility Management industry.

The Seller uses general knowledge of a seasoned in-house counsel, a Playbook written by Legal expert Carl Bokwall, as well as various LegalTech tools with AI components.

You choose your 5 subjects and upload your document(s), i.e. which document(s) you want the Seller to base the Deep Legal Insight Report on.

Delivery Target

Within 48 hours of order.


You can also opt for a free 15-minutes guidance of the Legal Insight Report.

LegalTech used

For this Product the Seller use various GenAI tech.


Law Off The Shelf AB

*Please choose your subjects in the form at checkout. Remember, you can only upload one file for review. So if you have a subject relating to the Contract Form as well as the Procurement Regulations, you need to combine them first.

This is because it takes up so much time for us to fiddle around with the documents of diffrent types and put them together etc… Thank you for your understanding! In the future we hope to have an integration in place to have this seemlessly done by a computer :)

You have an EU Public Tender within Soft or Hard Facility Management to review but not time enough to do it, and not even enough time to review a lengthy report! You just want 3-5 subjects of the Procurement document reviewed* with a basic risk analysis with traffic lights.

Choose up to 5 of the following subjects during check-out:

  • Visning av objekt

  • Sekretess

  • Frågor under anbudstiden

  • Anbudets form och innehåll

  • Anbudstidens utgång - behörig att underteckna

  • Komplettering till anbud

  • Anbudsprövning - Onormalt lågt pris

  • Leverantörskvalificering - Åberopa annans kapacitet

  • Leverantörskvalificering - Referenser

  • Ekonomisk och finansiell ställning (ekonomisk kapacitet)

  • Utvärderingsmetod (tillräcklig anknytning)

  • Utvärderingsmetod (vaga kriterier)

  • Organisation

  • Registerutdrag

  • Tillkommande och avgående objekt/arbetsuppgifter

  • Ersättning för kostnadsändring (indexering)

  • Vite

  • Reglering av kontraktssumman då omständigheter ändras eller tillkommer

  • Tider

  • Hävning och förtida upphörande

  • Ansvarsbegränsning

  • Personuppgifter

  • Avbeställning

This Product is tailored to the Facility Management industry.

The Seller uses general knowledge of a seasoned in-house counsel, a Playbook written by Legal expert Carl Bokwall, as well as various LegalTech tools with AI components.

You choose your 5 subjects and upload your document(s), i.e. which document(s) you want the Seller to base the Deep Legal Insight Report on.

Delivery Target

Within 48 hours of order.


You can also opt for a free 15-minutes guidance of the Legal Insight Report.

LegalTech used

For this Product the Seller use various GenAI tech.


Law Off The Shelf AB

*Please choose your subjects in the form at checkout. Remember, you can only upload one file for review. So if you have a subject relating to the Contract Form as well as the Procurement Regulations, you need to combine them first.

This is because it takes up so much time for us to fiddle around with the documents of diffrent types and put them together etc… Thank you for your understanding! In the future we hope to have an integration in place to have this seemlessly done by a computer :)

BidPilot Ask - EU Public Procurement Insight
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BidPilot Industry [Hard FM] - Screening of EU Public Procurement document
from €165.00
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BidPilot General - Screening of EU Public Procurement Document
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