General Terms and Conditions

for Law Off The Shelf Marketplace

Law Off The Shelf AB, reg nr 559440-6737, (“We”) offer a digital marketplace that enables legal services to all at

The Law Off The Shelf marketplace (“Marketplace”) allows various sellers (”Seller(s)”) to sell their products to buyers (“Buyer(s)”).

Both Seller(s) and Buyer(s) that sell or buy Products (as defined below), at the Marketplace, accept and adhere to these General Terms and Conditions.

1.      Product

A product at the Marketplace consists of one or several of the following components:

i)                 📔Playbook – a standardized legal playbook[1] created by a lawyer

ii)                🚀LegalTech - implementation of a📔Playbook(s) in relevant legal technology solution(s)

iii)              ❤️HumanTouch– human layer review is the last action before a product (such as a report) is sent to the Buyer and HumanTouch takes place on top of a📔 Playbook and/or 🚀LegalTech.   

iv)              📋DummyDoc – basically a template in Microsoft Word or Adobe PDF-format

Each component above may individually or jointly constitute a product (“Product”).

2.      The Marketplace role

We facilitate transactions that can be carried out on the Marketplace. We are neither the Buyer, nor the Seller, of the Products available for purchase at the Marketplace.

(However, as a start-up we need to provide Products initially to get things going and then We clearly state in the Product description that we are taking on the role as the Seller.)

Because We provide the Marketplace and not the Products listed there (except as stated above), the agreement of sale of a Product is solely entered into between Buyer and Seller. This means that We, are not a party to that agreement between a Seller and a Buyer, and we do not take on any liability arising out of or in connection with that agreement, unless we clearly state that we are the Seller for a specific Product at the Marketplace. Neither are we the Seller's agent, representative or intermediary.

3.      The Seller’s responsibility towards the Buyer (and to the society!)

The Seller’s terms and conditions:  Sellers are responsible for providing correct product specification and terms and conditions.  A link to the terms and conditions for the Product should be visible in the Marketplace area so that a Buyer may be able to view this information before purchasing a Product.

Defect Products: The Seller is responsible for handling issues about the Seller’s Products and the Buyer should therefore contact the Seller directly regarding support, claims or other problems arising from the Product.

4.      We curate the Products at the Marketplace

All Products available at have been approved and reviewed by us before they are published for sale at the Marketplace. Thereafter We will to our best capacity govern that the Products published at the Marketplace continuously follows the guidelines for the Marketplace regarding for instance copyright, privacy, sustainable use of AI, professional conduct and content in general.  Products that aren’t aligned with such policies will be removed from the Marketplace.

5.      The Marketplace and legal insight

The Products from the Sellers at the Marketplace are typically not representing traditional legal advice. Instead, the Products are a part of a new business model. The Products shall be viewed as legal insight or legal knowledge, not legal advice.

The Products you buy at the Marketplace are mostly based on standardized legal guidance for generic, often reocurring, situations. This is a significantly different approach compared to buying legal advice from an advocate or law-firm where you get tailormade legal advice for a particular, seldom reoccurring, situation with a significantly higher price tag based on hourly rate.

6.      Limitation of liability

We will do our best to enable access to the Products at the Marketplace. However, depending on the capacity of the Seller, the Products may only be delivered with such volume as corresponds to the capacity of the Seller. We can therefore not guarantee the availability of the Products sold at the Marketplace, this is for the Seller do decide.

Your access to the Marketplace may occasionally be suspended or restricted to allow for repair, maintenance or similar. We will try to limit any such restrictions or stops.

We have no liability for:

-        Product related claims where the responsibility according to these terms is with the Seller

-        Any damages that have not been caused by us 

-        Any indirect or consequential damages, such as loss of profits, revenue, contracts and goodwill

We will not be liable for breach of these general terms and conditions caused by circumstances beyond our reasonable control (force majeure).

7.      The Marketplace available in Europe for European companies (B2B)

The Marketplace is currently only available in Europe for European companies and is in early access mode. This means that We are gradually trying a new business model in the legal market and may therefore reject any purchases for any reason. Any rejected purchases will be fully refunded. The Marketplace’s initial focus is on the Swedish market. However, other European companies may purchase Products from the Marketplace, but on our sole discretion.

The Marketplace is currently only available as a B2B marketplace. Purchases of Products at the Marketplace should therefore be made on behalf of a corporation and not a private person.

Depending on the capacity of the Seller, the Products may only be delivered with a volume that corresponds to the capacity of the Seller. We cannot guarantee the availability of the Products sold at the Marketplace.

8.      Taxes

As We are the Marketplace, it is the Seller who is solely responsible for any taxes, duties, or other governmental charges imposed on the sale of their digital products through the marketplace, as required by applicable laws and regulations.

9.      Governing law

These general terms and conditions shall be governed by and construed in accordance with the laws of Sweden. Any dispute, controversy or claim arising out of or in connection with these General Terms and Conditions, or the breach, termination or invalidity thereof, shall be finally settled by arbitration in accordance with the Rules for Expedited Arbitrations of the SCC Arbitration Institute. The seat of arbitration shall be Stockholm. The language to be used in the arbitral proceedings shall be English.


[1] A legal playbook is a comprehensive and structured document or set of guidelines that provides a framework for how a legal team or organization should handle various legal issues, scenarios or situations. It serves as a reference guide and a strategic tool for legal professionals to ensure consistency, efficiency and compliance with laws and regulations. Legal playbooks are commonly used by business, law firms, and other organizations to streamline their legal process and decision-making.