A marketplace for legal products?

The upsides of a digital marketplace are well-known. Famous marketplace companies have been successful for a reason. And almost every industry that sells products has its own marketplace, which has enriched their customers. So why is it that no legal marketplace has had a significant impact to the legal industry yet? We believe the answer is quite simple, historically legal services were not products, and each legal advice was claimed to have a unique answer. The phrase “it depends” should be familiar for anyone who ever encountered legal advice and it has been a great showstopper for bringing the true value of a legal marketplace into play for the benefit of all the customers of legal service. However, the recent explosion of generative AI in the legal industry has certainly demystified legal advice, to something that can actually be standardized and doesn’t always require a unique tailormade answer.  

In this new economy the old and current legal business models should be challenged, the customers will ultimately demand it.

Are legal services of today products, services or both? Law Off The Shelf believes that legal services include components of both products and services. And many other people would agree of course. But how many providers of legal services/advice have actually - essentially - changed their business models in this new world? Very few so far. We want to change that.

We would like to get in touch with the lawyers who would like to try something new in contrast to the billable hour and progressive legal tech providers who want to unbundle some of their services here at Law Off The Shelf. We love your work but believe the world needs some of your support in a new business model. We call it Law Off The Shelf. Scroll through our site and you will hopefully find out how.

Want to know more about the founders of Law Off The Shelf? Check out links below!


