BidPilot Industry [Hard FM] - Screening of EU Public Procurement document

from €165.00

You have an EU Public Tender within Hard Facility Management to review but not time enough to do it. This Legal Insight Report will give you a pretty good start when it comes to

1) Administrative Regulations or

2) Contract Form, or

3) both.

The Legal Insight Report is curated with a Playbook written by Legal expert Carl Bokwall, combined with cutting-edge Legal-grade AI tech, skilled HumanTouch and provides a legal commentary. The Report highlights unclear or incorrect requirements, questions, or points of law critique to pose to the contracting authority.

This Product is tailored to the Hard FM industry, usually any services connected to physical facilities such as snow removing, fire prevention control and ventilation.

The Seller uses general knowledge of a seasoned in-house counsel with relevant industry experience, a Playbook written by Legal expert Carl Bokwall, as well as various LegalTech tools with AI components.

You choose your variants at check-out, i.e. which document(s) you want the Seller to base the Industry Legal Insight Report on.

Delivery Target

Within 48 hours of order.


You can also opt for a free 15-minutes guidance of the Legal Insight Report.

LegalTech used

For this Product the Seller use various GenAI tech.

Playbook title

ABFF 15 UF feat CB

Playbook author

Lawyer, Advokat Carl Bokwall (Chambers)

Customer review

Customer review


Law Off The Shelf AB

Go Goose!

You have an EU Public Tender within Hard Facility Management to review but not time enough to do it. This Legal Insight Report will give you a pretty good start when it comes to

1) Administrative Regulations or

2) Contract Form, or

3) both.

The Legal Insight Report is curated with a Playbook written by Legal expert Carl Bokwall, combined with cutting-edge Legal-grade AI tech, skilled HumanTouch and provides a legal commentary. The Report highlights unclear or incorrect requirements, questions, or points of law critique to pose to the contracting authority.

This Product is tailored to the Hard FM industry, usually any services connected to physical facilities such as snow removing, fire prevention control and ventilation.

The Seller uses general knowledge of a seasoned in-house counsel with relevant industry experience, a Playbook written by Legal expert Carl Bokwall, as well as various LegalTech tools with AI components.

You choose your variants at check-out, i.e. which document(s) you want the Seller to base the Industry Legal Insight Report on.

Delivery Target

Within 48 hours of order.


You can also opt for a free 15-minutes guidance of the Legal Insight Report.

LegalTech used

For this Product the Seller use various GenAI tech.

Playbook title

ABFF 15 UF feat CB

Playbook author

Lawyer, Advokat Carl Bokwall (Chambers)

Customer review

Customer review


Law Off The Shelf AB

You have an EU Public Tender within Hard Facility Management to review but not time enough to do it. This Legal Insight Report will give you a pretty good start when it comes to

1) Administrative Regulations or

2) Contract Form, or

3) both.

The Legal Insight Report is curated with a Playbook written by Legal expert Carl Bokwall, combined with cutting-edge Legal-grade AI tech, skilled HumanTouch and provides a legal commentary. The Report highlights unclear or incorrect requirements, questions, or points of law critique to pose to the contracting authority.

This Product is tailored to the Hard FM industry, usually any services connected to physical facilities such as snow removing, fire prevention control and ventilation.

The Seller uses general knowledge of a seasoned in-house counsel with relevant industry experience, a Playbook written by Legal expert Carl Bokwall, as well as various LegalTech tools with AI components.

You choose your variants at check-out, i.e. which document(s) you want the Seller to base the Industry Legal Insight Report on.

Delivery Target

Within 48 hours of order.


You can also opt for a free 15-minutes guidance of the Legal Insight Report.

LegalTech used

For this Product the Seller use various GenAI tech.

Playbook title

ABFF 15 UF feat CB

Playbook author

Lawyer, Advokat Carl Bokwall (Chambers)

Customer review

Customer review


Law Off The Shelf AB

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