ContractPilot - General contract review


Do you want a speedy review of a contract? E-mail your contract to or upload your contract to a safe place where it can be accessed by us and we will have it commented, redlined, and send it back to you.

The Legal Insight Report will contain the contract in word and pdf-format with

  • Redlined mark-ups

  • Relevant Comments

The report has been curated by a combination of with cutting-edge Legal-grade AI tech and skilled HumanTouch.

You choose which side you are representing, or if you want the Legal Insight Report to be balanced, at check-out.

Delivery Target

Within 48 hours of order.


You can also opt for a free 15-minutes guidance of the Legal Insight Report.

LegalTech used

For this Product the Seller uses Spellbook and other legal grade AI-tools to accumulate the redlining and commenting.


Law Off The Shelf AB

Add To Cart

Do you want a speedy review of a contract? E-mail your contract to or upload your contract to a safe place where it can be accessed by us and we will have it commented, redlined, and send it back to you.

The Legal Insight Report will contain the contract in word and pdf-format with

  • Redlined mark-ups

  • Relevant Comments

The report has been curated by a combination of with cutting-edge Legal-grade AI tech and skilled HumanTouch.

You choose which side you are representing, or if you want the Legal Insight Report to be balanced, at check-out.

Delivery Target

Within 48 hours of order.


You can also opt for a free 15-minutes guidance of the Legal Insight Report.

LegalTech used

For this Product the Seller uses Spellbook and other legal grade AI-tools to accumulate the redlining and commenting.


Law Off The Shelf AB

Do you want a speedy review of a contract? E-mail your contract to or upload your contract to a safe place where it can be accessed by us and we will have it commented, redlined, and send it back to you.

The Legal Insight Report will contain the contract in word and pdf-format with

  • Redlined mark-ups

  • Relevant Comments

The report has been curated by a combination of with cutting-edge Legal-grade AI tech and skilled HumanTouch.

You choose which side you are representing, or if you want the Legal Insight Report to be balanced, at check-out.

Delivery Target

Within 48 hours of order.


You can also opt for a free 15-minutes guidance of the Legal Insight Report.

LegalTech used

For this Product the Seller uses Spellbook and other legal grade AI-tools to accumulate the redlining and commenting.


Law Off The Shelf AB

ContractPilot - NDA-contract review
ContractPilot - SaaS-contract review
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