Will access to legal insight for all have an impact on society?

Identified and managed legal risk means less legal risk. A lower level of legal risk and disputes in B2B deals has a positive impact on society as time and resources are spent on developing deals and business, and not on damage control and disputes. More easy access to affordable legal insights to more companies, will make deals more balanced and less risky for the benefit of society as a whole.

The Law Off the Shelf concept is geared at achieving this on a large-scale-basis by enabling legal insights and services to all!

As a new venture, Law Off The Shelf is also determined to ensure that its business model and the marketplace will benefit as many as possible. It is our aim to Do Good and to enable others to Do Good by being a marketplace also for pro bono legal aid by bringing non-profit NGOs and lawyers together.


Meet Carl


Let’s make the paradigm shift really happen