Law Off The Shelf at LegalGeek 2023

It was three cheerful co-founders that lined up at the entrance at the LegalGeek fair in London last week. And a line it was! The amount of people who wanted a taste of the future of legal tech must have taken the event organizers a little bit by surprise. No worries though, standing in a que for almost an hour meant lots of time to speak to other legal tech-interested persons.

And what a fair, the place was absolutely bubbling with energy. The stalls had any and all legal tech innovations that you could think of. Both the large dragons such as Thomson and Reuters and Freshfields at their large showcases and the smaller start-up companies at their little market stands, did not waste one second to get their visions and business models across to the visitors.

And the seminars, what a treat! Chopped up into 8-minute-long talks, it was never a dull moment. I especially enjoyed “Georgia. Are you just a bit of a rubbish lawyer?” set up as a therapy session with Shruti Ajitsaria from Allen & Overy and Georgia Kandunias from Pactio. And a little bit off topic, Richard E. Grant (one of the Dr Whos) who talked about grief, made a memorable impression on the audience.

The best of it all though was spending so much time with Olle and Carl. We walked up and down the streets of Shoreditch, had fish and chips at a really cool chip-shop in Spitalfields, and had maybe one or two beers at very English pubs. Now back in Stockholm, with cool weather and foggy mornings, it is time to get to work building our dream marketplace where we want to tie legal experts, legal tech and AI together into products that is relevant to our corporate customers.

Yours truly, Liselott


Utmanarna: ”Vi vill skapa ett Amazon för juridik”


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