The Law Off The Shelf story.

Written by Olle Westerlund.

As a General Counsel I felt that something was missing in the legal market. Despite all new legal tech offers and the establishment of legal operations, the actual customers were most of the time completely unaware about these new opportunities. And they couldn’t afford them. This was especially true for SME. There was no actual paradigm shift happening at scale, not even in sight actually.

There was obviously a gap in the market, between the providers of hyper modern AI solutions at one hand and most of the actual potential customers on the other hand. Someone should bridge that gap. That is why Law Off The Shelf was founded.

I realized it had to be easy to implement the new tech and process, sort of plug in and play, in contrast to the lengthy onboarding/implementation process that I had experienced myself in my role as General Counsel. And a customer should receive full value from day one, even when starting small and with little money spent. Otherwise there would be no paradigm shift at scale, where the entire society could actually benefit from the new process and technology available.

To enable the vision of Law Off The Shelf, I needed Co-Founders, with unique skills who shared my vision and could improve it. Luckily I already knew Liselott and Carl.

Liselott early aligned with my vision and improved it. She has a unique background for being a lawyer, she is also a data scientist. Who knows how to code and has real in depht knowledge about tech (not just a lawyer who happen to know a little bit about tech).

Carl is the best public procurement attorney I worked with during my legal career and the official rankings of public procurement law confirms my opinion. And apparently he is a natural legal design talent.

Together we have created our first product: BidPilot. BidPilot guides suppliers in Sweden in the public tender process for facility management services (a rather large market).

BidPilot includes Carl’s supreme knowledge about public procurement, Liselott’s technical skills and my own vast facility management industry experience. The purpose is to show the world that there is a new way to incorporate legal risk mitigation at scale in 2023, that any corporation can afford, and it’s called Law Off The Shelf. It should be a no-brainer to use this concept, Law Off The Shelf, in the daily course of business for any business.

We believe that there is a combo of Carl, Liselott and Olle in every area of the law, everywhere in the world. To create the next interesting content piece to the Law Off The Shelf library. BidPilot is just the beginning.


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